Bad Decisions?

So, I have a problem World. I’ve never made a blog before and I’m going around in circles trying to figure this crap out.


It really doesn’t help that I have so many ideas about how I want the site to look, what the tone should be etc., that I can’t make a decision on any of it and this brings me to my main problem with stuff like this…I am AFRAID to make decisions in case I make the wrong one.

How ridiculous is that? I have never set up a blog before yet I expect myself to be able to make decisions about it and for those decisions to be the right ones. No pressure there like, lol.


Anywho, I decided to just go ahead and make some decisions willy nilly -just as practice you understand for future decision-making opportunities so you guys get to poke fun at me for my ridiculousness. Have fun with that!

This is actually a problem that has come up for me before. On many occasions and in lots of different areas as it happens. And I think it’s a problem that quite a few people out there struggle with. I know that, for me, a lot of my hesitation around making decisions has to do with not wanting to express my true opinions for fear of ridicule. Or sometimes it’s even that I haven’t formed an opinion and I’m paralysed by the fear of doing so just in case I ‘get it wrong’.

Having a lot of choices really doesn’t help matters either. It feels as though there are so many directions to go in and no matter which direction I choose, someone somewhere is going to disagree with it or scoff at my decision or look at me with contempt. Or that I’ll regret whatever decision I make and end up wishing I’d chosen something else.


Now, I realise that I’ve had a chronic people-pleasing problem for a long time. The reasons for it are a discussion for another blog and are irrelevant here, but it is important to try to overcome this tendency so that I can find MY voice and MY direction without allowing what others think to influence my decision-making.

I’m honestly not sure if I just have an open mind and a diverse personality or if maybe I have no true personality of my own and I can’t make a decision without being told what to think…


What about you? Do you have trouble making decisions and if so, do you have a fix for it?

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